Saturday 3 January 2015

How STUPID and Intriguing something can be....

How Stupid and Intriguing some things can be....

"Being Human" of a human being is something what makes us different from all other animal or plant species on earth.Caring, hating, loving, enjoying, depressing, motivating and living with others makes us more than a machine. Its something which keeps us moving forward with life. Well we still don't understand what are these "feelings and emotions"? , what is this form of things? , why is there an existence of such things? and how these came into existence itself?, How these develop?

The search for answers will never end because with every answer there rise one more WHY? WHAT? WHEN?
May be some day we will find all the true answers. And in the same lines we find something called hope. Everyone has there own hope, own goals. For some it is to complete those goals for others, so that they can keep on with there hope, for some this is for happiness  and for some this is business.
Some times there is someone in life which creates a false hope, but though it is fake, we still wan't to believe in it, because it keeps us moving that some day it will be better from present. And in the end we find at least something, though not what we expected but enough to keep us happy. So we better not loose hope, for we'll find something.

Coming back to the question "what are feelings?" makes people think again. Some people of say Science is a wrong choice for explaining such terms, But why cannot we think science not every time shatters such thoughts but can be an ocean to explain in its own terms.

Lets consider an animal. We all know the most important work of life is to create life itself and continue itself till end. And we then think about life can happen to increase by creating new individuals, but it is not something can happen on its own and so there has to be something to force and that called for a feeling called enjoyment, it is a way of life to bargain its motive, something which is not necessarily wanted but exist, or may be feelings like "love and attraction" are a product of events like creating individuals or what we also call "love making", a definition in itself.

So lets take how an engineer thinks, working with machines to get a particular product they find themselves generating something called "noise", may be a very offensive and stupid term, but then we never know what is the capacity of noise and its importance. Today we live in a world of technology, machines, microprocessors, computers , mobiles but what we don't know is these techno-machines contain internal clocks without which they can never run, never work and here we find something intriguing that clocks run on oscillators, components which makes output without any manual input, and then we find it is taking an input on its own and that is called "noise". So lets just imagine a world without noise, how static it would be, with no digital watches , no mobile phones, no laptops, no "social networking"!!!

And hence it defines how feelings like love and haterade channel the world, there importance and there result without an external input. So we must not underestimate anything, because every thing has its own importance which we never know.

But still this does not tells us that feelings like love is some noise, it is something what we still don't understand, what was used here was just an analogy which can have tremendous of examples and endless theories. At the end of the day we find ourselves answer-less, still there is a hope that someday we will find answers. And these very words shows important of term called "feelings" as here is Hope.


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