Saturday 10 September 2016

Sarcasm on "This foolish World"

 Sarcasm on "This foolish World".

Human Beings, a superior race on this planet which has survived into the dawn of New era!!  because of its intelligence, unity and will power! Out of the woods and the lands of predators. And the same old thinking is carried on till date. We think of us as superiors, even when you have to call "Mr. electrician" when your mom switched OFF the TV power switch yesterday night and you failed to switch it ON by all your godly powers, pressing the buttons on TV remote!!

Today we are on the top of the food chain but that does not mean we are eligible enough to call us smart all-mighty beings. Over the period of time we have developed not only in bright sides of technology and value of life, but with some exceptions we all have turned into stupid beings which is still better when it is just that. 

Well today our motto is, " YEAH PEOPLE ITS COOL TO BE STUPID AND SELFISH BEINGS!!!". Which is hilarious, but it is dangerous not only to the level of getting extinct but to take all our innocent creature friends from the face of Earth with us.

From early childhood we all dream of becoming a Pilot, a doctor, a policeman, maybe a scientist or something else, but we end up becoming self centered people and nothing else, maybe thinking about money. It has been a very tough time for our little brains. We have lost common sense and logic of thinking about the world as a whole. When we graduate from high schools, we just want to get in this "rat race" of life.
Get a good college, then get a job, so now you earn!! viola!!! so you wanna buy a super car and then thinking about future, get married, get a good house and get an insurance and then kids, and then their future becomes your future. And then the same cycle carries on, which your parents might have gone through and finally you die at an age maybe of 65 or 70 years, thinking about you have fulfilled your all your duties and lived a LIFE........... . . .

Seriously that was a person who actually lived "HIS/HER" life!! what else?
Hmmmm, so in that sense even a "house fly" lives a heck of a life. "BUZZZZZZZZZ I have filled my tummy full in this life BUZZZZZZZZ ZZZZ " and the buzz dies after a day.

How different was that life which you live from that of a fly? "except the size of course".

We human beings are known as social animals, not just because we need good friends to throw cool parties but because we cannot survive without each other and not only them, we cannot survive without other life forms on this planet!! Let it be a plankton in the middle of the pacific ocean, when you realize 70% of oxygen on the planet it because of there help.

Though living like that is not bad, but have you ever thought about how much your "life" has affected this whole universe, not even that, how much was it for your town? Was there something you have helped people with? We all like to use cool technology and we all like to read about people's men. but we never really try any such thing on our own. We are too busy dwelling with other things which are less important sometimes like watching game of football or cricket or maybe something else. But "Dude" you will never ever ever ever think about what all you can do!!! Human Beings have endless potential, of course on an average you cannot break records at once like 46000 push-ups in one go, but you surly can do a "100" or maybe "1000" someday or maybe you may touch "46001" if you really dedicate to break the record. So, anyways most of us do things when we are desperate about it. Well that is the story of majority of us, who all are well educated and well nurtured.

Ever thought of that beggar on road who doesn't have the luxury of a full square meal a day? Not because he is not capable of, but because he lacked all that opportunities in his life which you got as having some one to call a good father, that person never had a chance to dream, so have you ever thought of such a kid, if you cannot change an adults fate, on the street who extend his hand "for money" to help him by not giving him money but a peace of life by teaching him something you know.

But we never feel that way. Its human nature of being a selfish being now-a-days. We possibly are proud of that "LUCK" we have. And we are so arrogant about it that we cannot let anyone else have it.
A life, is all we want to live. And that is the only best thing we think about!!!! 

Thinking of us humans are limited to extremes. when we are at home we don't value our family that much, but we value them when we face outside world. And this stupid human behavior carries on further from not valuing a fellow citizen in our own city to becoming his best friend in some foreign country. So why if it had been on an unknown planet? there is no doubt we would love a human to hang around. Than why not now!!

Well of-course we think about our comfort level and are not bothered by what happens outside our comfort zone.

We humans have made this planet our home, Fighting within a very big family, destroying our own lands and our life system. Killing our home for the sake of "comforting ourselves". War after war, conspiracy after conspiracy, acting naive, fooling each other by dividing lands and resources from each other, even after the realization of strength in unity, making our own foolish rules. Who gave us the authority to divide this world. Unknowingly becoming an army of viruses, unknown of the effects of what we have done in the name of development. And then justifying ourselves with fancy words "humans tends to make mistakes". But have we ever thought of  how bad these mistakes have been? Or how must we rectify them? or even thought of thinking before making a mistake?

Today we call ourselves the world of developed and developing nations. Where development to a nation has been nothing but selfish nature of the same. It is a hard swallow, but we know that every developed nation today is responsible for degrading of our ecosystem. And even though after realization none has taken initiative to admit it. Over that they let fellow developing nations walk on the same path, on which they were twenty years back in history, only because of the fear of making a bad face in front of others.

Well, Why would anyone bother about others life. We all know average life expectancy is sixty years. hence, at least who are alive today will not face the big day in this life.

Sometimes even that buzzing fly is better than us humans. It helps itself with food from flowers but it promises that flower a future. And here we our, promising our flower a " no- future ". 

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