Saturday, 19 March 2016

Misconception of stability in life

We human beings for some reason have a tendency to attain stability in our lives. So what exactly is the meaning of stability to us?
Is it just owning luxuries of life and a having a problem-less life with no one to bother us and let us just live in out couch, watch TV, browse online videos?

They say we learn and copy from nature and universe as it is. Well the irony is that we never attain true stability if we look at nature and universe as a whole. We want to live a normal life, well that is just passing our graduation school and then getting a decent job and then getting married, have kids, then thinking about insurance of things and future of kids ... What else exactly? This is a life which every other human being tries to live and call it a stable one.

So lets follow the nature. There was stability when there was no living organism on the planet, but the situation differed, clusters of molecules formed unicellular organisms, started to thrive in ancient water bodies on earth. Those organisms could have attained stability if we call it living reproducing and completing a life, rather again it it formed the higher living beings like fishes and then the same thing happened with water life to come on land and then to sky in as birds.

Well this is what the theory of evolution says. In this context of Nature and Universe, we cannot refuse that Nature don't not settling with things around. It try to exploit new boundaries, try to find new problems and try to find the solutions of the same. That is the beauty of nature. And hence it evolves in its own way.

If stability had been the nature's favorite taffy, so....... no big bang... no universe ... no milky-way ... no  sun ... no planet earth.... hence no girl friend .... voila !!! no problems in life!!!!! .... I mean
no life, no star-wars , no Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio drowning in Titanic when there was plenty of place on that ply of wood.

The trigger to big-bang is a question no one have answer till now, but it shows the presence of change. But what so happen resulted in something very intriguing every time, at every level of observation. Which happened not by itself, but by finding the a way out of the condition.

Imagine if penguins had not been they way they are now and the bird dived into water with its light feathers. Result...... bird going koo koo , Seals making dresses with poor birds feathers and if they even get out of water at Antarctica.....   dead with cold and hypothermia ... again seals making penguin feather shoes this time.


Well if penguins hadn't been exposed to such harsh situations, we doubt such existence on earth.

Hence it is quite clear, stability comes with the end stage when you cannot improve, cannot make it better and when you realize there is no possibility of change, in any field .

But as the saying goes "no body is perfect", therefore there is always something untouched in your life. There is always a chance of improvement, and you can only understand it when you question yourself or find problems and discover there solutions.

So the idea of stability is not a boring and a static life .... but a dynamic and fun to be with. In this small life, time can never be sufficient for achieving every thing. But is enough to evolve a bit from what you are today to what you will become tomorrow. Find new problems and there solutions and you become a "pokemon" with unlimited evolution capabilities.


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