Saturday 10 September 2016

Sarcasm on "This foolish World"

 Sarcasm on "This foolish World".

Human Beings, a superior race on this planet which has survived into the dawn of New era!!  because of its intelligence, unity and will power! Out of the woods and the lands of predators. And the same old thinking is carried on till date. We think of us as superiors, even when you have to call "Mr. electrician" when your mom switched OFF the TV power switch yesterday night and you failed to switch it ON by all your godly powers, pressing the buttons on TV remote!!

Today we are on the top of the food chain but that does not mean we are eligible enough to call us smart all-mighty beings. Over the period of time we have developed not only in bright sides of technology and value of life, but with some exceptions we all have turned into stupid beings which is still better when it is just that. 

Well today our motto is, " YEAH PEOPLE ITS COOL TO BE STUPID AND SELFISH BEINGS!!!". Which is hilarious, but it is dangerous not only to the level of getting extinct but to take all our innocent creature friends from the face of Earth with us.

From early childhood we all dream of becoming a Pilot, a doctor, a policeman, maybe a scientist or something else, but we end up becoming self centered people and nothing else, maybe thinking about money. It has been a very tough time for our little brains. We have lost common sense and logic of thinking about the world as a whole. When we graduate from high schools, we just want to get in this "rat race" of life.
Get a good college, then get a job, so now you earn!! viola!!! so you wanna buy a super car and then thinking about future, get married, get a good house and get an insurance and then kids, and then their future becomes your future. And then the same cycle carries on, which your parents might have gone through and finally you die at an age maybe of 65 or 70 years, thinking about you have fulfilled your all your duties and lived a LIFE........... . . .

Seriously that was a person who actually lived "HIS/HER" life!! what else?
Hmmmm, so in that sense even a "house fly" lives a heck of a life. "BUZZZZZZZZZ I have filled my tummy full in this life BUZZZZZZZZ ZZZZ " and the buzz dies after a day.

How different was that life which you live from that of a fly? "except the size of course".

We human beings are known as social animals, not just because we need good friends to throw cool parties but because we cannot survive without each other and not only them, we cannot survive without other life forms on this planet!! Let it be a plankton in the middle of the pacific ocean, when you realize 70% of oxygen on the planet it because of there help.

Though living like that is not bad, but have you ever thought about how much your "life" has affected this whole universe, not even that, how much was it for your town? Was there something you have helped people with? We all like to use cool technology and we all like to read about people's men. but we never really try any such thing on our own. We are too busy dwelling with other things which are less important sometimes like watching game of football or cricket or maybe something else. But "Dude" you will never ever ever ever think about what all you can do!!! Human Beings have endless potential, of course on an average you cannot break records at once like 46000 push-ups in one go, but you surly can do a "100" or maybe "1000" someday or maybe you may touch "46001" if you really dedicate to break the record. So, anyways most of us do things when we are desperate about it. Well that is the story of majority of us, who all are well educated and well nurtured.

Ever thought of that beggar on road who doesn't have the luxury of a full square meal a day? Not because he is not capable of, but because he lacked all that opportunities in his life which you got as having some one to call a good father, that person never had a chance to dream, so have you ever thought of such a kid, if you cannot change an adults fate, on the street who extend his hand "for money" to help him by not giving him money but a peace of life by teaching him something you know.

But we never feel that way. Its human nature of being a selfish being now-a-days. We possibly are proud of that "LUCK" we have. And we are so arrogant about it that we cannot let anyone else have it.
A life, is all we want to live. And that is the only best thing we think about!!!! 

Thinking of us humans are limited to extremes. when we are at home we don't value our family that much, but we value them when we face outside world. And this stupid human behavior carries on further from not valuing a fellow citizen in our own city to becoming his best friend in some foreign country. So why if it had been on an unknown planet? there is no doubt we would love a human to hang around. Than why not now!!

Well of-course we think about our comfort level and are not bothered by what happens outside our comfort zone.

We humans have made this planet our home, Fighting within a very big family, destroying our own lands and our life system. Killing our home for the sake of "comforting ourselves". War after war, conspiracy after conspiracy, acting naive, fooling each other by dividing lands and resources from each other, even after the realization of strength in unity, making our own foolish rules. Who gave us the authority to divide this world. Unknowingly becoming an army of viruses, unknown of the effects of what we have done in the name of development. And then justifying ourselves with fancy words "humans tends to make mistakes". But have we ever thought of  how bad these mistakes have been? Or how must we rectify them? or even thought of thinking before making a mistake?

Today we call ourselves the world of developed and developing nations. Where development to a nation has been nothing but selfish nature of the same. It is a hard swallow, but we know that every developed nation today is responsible for degrading of our ecosystem. And even though after realization none has taken initiative to admit it. Over that they let fellow developing nations walk on the same path, on which they were twenty years back in history, only because of the fear of making a bad face in front of others.

Well, Why would anyone bother about others life. We all know average life expectancy is sixty years. hence, at least who are alive today will not face the big day in this life.

Sometimes even that buzzing fly is better than us humans. It helps itself with food from flowers but it promises that flower a future. And here we our, promising our flower a " no- future ". 

Thursday 24 March 2016

Righteousness against war

The world, a unique place to learn about, where we all live and with a surplus of information which will make you embarrassed when you realize you can never learn everything even if you are the most powerful computer on the earth, because there is always something undiscovered earlier.

But that is not the issue, the issue is to find content to life, far from these quarrels with our fellow beings. We all wish for a place with peace and light. We would love a world where there is no boundaries, total freedom and adequate amount of every thing. We would like to wish a place where there is no terrorists and to inter-nation wars. But this wish cannot be granted on mere wants. Because the presence of light is the proof of presence of darkness itself, and the presence of the two are interdependent like the presence of a night and a day.

A thing good for someone may be bad for other, which is quite a possibility when you find people partying in the neighborhood with loud music, when you find yourself struggling with books with a test tomorrow morning. But you could peek out to see happy faces out there in party.

And this this doesn't mean that you should pick up you baseball bat from the garage, go and break those speakers to no music torn apart plastic. And so is the case of war, though on serious notes. We people of earth are going berserk, fighting against each other, creating uncontrollable weapon technology like nuclear bombs. Which just shows we no different than gorillas with less muscles and more neurons fighting to rule the band.

How can anyone on earth with a brain to rule and represent a country or even a group, think of to devise useless and homicidal plans where every thing can be sorted out just by discussing things and putting our points and ways of thinking in front. If one cannot do that than this person is not fit to take discussions even for self and must be subjected to psychological treatments rather and to be thought rather than badmouthed behind the backs or tagged to be a bad person. Because there can never be one!!

People are misdirected and there is always a way out. Well lets discuss a situations of a every common happening considering two guys having crush on the same girl and on gets into the relationship and other did not. Well the first thing the second guy would think about will be to break the first guys neck, but why does it has to be breaking things. Why cannot the second guy talk about this to the first guy and why cannot they sit and find another someone for the second guy. Well instead of becoming arch rivals they may end up becoming best buddies. And this prove there is always a better way which is right instead of fights. Sometimes it can may look stupid and it also may become awkward, but it best serves its purpose. And be biggest foolishness is not to do anything and not in doing foolish right things.
But we can never have a world so good, because people with horse brains will never cease to exit, who still want to stay like gorillas and chimpanzees. Who never have an opinion and want to do things not because they are logical and good but for the only reason the other person standing in front is doing the same thing, no matter how the effect will be. Not every thing called cool by other is cool for you and not all boring stuff for others are uncool. It is a relative perception. And though we all have our own, do we? We must have an opinion of anything before doing it, its the way to realize someone's personality and individuality. Unless anyone wants to join back animal kingdom and rule the world.

The conflict between the two sides will never last as the two sides of the coins will always exist and the one side exists because the other will. The path of choice is and difference is always relative and can the right thing to do is not just to think for yourself but to think about others before yourself. Because a person can always find a way for himself and the challenge is when you have to find it for the others first. So either to get up from the couch, let the old lady sit and find a new place to place yours Or find a place for the old lady to sit and lick your arms like a cat. But don't just let the old lady stand motionlessly kick you mentally that you are a horse brain.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Misconception of stability in life

We human beings for some reason have a tendency to attain stability in our lives. So what exactly is the meaning of stability to us?
Is it just owning luxuries of life and a having a problem-less life with no one to bother us and let us just live in out couch, watch TV, browse online videos?

They say we learn and copy from nature and universe as it is. Well the irony is that we never attain true stability if we look at nature and universe as a whole. We want to live a normal life, well that is just passing our graduation school and then getting a decent job and then getting married, have kids, then thinking about insurance of things and future of kids ... What else exactly? This is a life which every other human being tries to live and call it a stable one.

So lets follow the nature. There was stability when there was no living organism on the planet, but the situation differed, clusters of molecules formed unicellular organisms, started to thrive in ancient water bodies on earth. Those organisms could have attained stability if we call it living reproducing and completing a life, rather again it it formed the higher living beings like fishes and then the same thing happened with water life to come on land and then to sky in as birds.

Well this is what the theory of evolution says. In this context of Nature and Universe, we cannot refuse that Nature don't not settling with things around. It try to exploit new boundaries, try to find new problems and try to find the solutions of the same. That is the beauty of nature. And hence it evolves in its own way.

If stability had been the nature's favorite taffy, so....... no big bang... no universe ... no milky-way ... no  sun ... no planet earth.... hence no girl friend .... voila !!! no problems in life!!!!! .... I mean
no life, no star-wars , no Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio drowning in Titanic when there was plenty of place on that ply of wood.

The trigger to big-bang is a question no one have answer till now, but it shows the presence of change. But what so happen resulted in something very intriguing every time, at every level of observation. Which happened not by itself, but by finding the a way out of the condition.

Imagine if penguins had not been they way they are now and the bird dived into water with its light feathers. Result...... bird going koo koo , Seals making dresses with poor birds feathers and if they even get out of water at Antarctica.....   dead with cold and hypothermia ... again seals making penguin feather shoes this time.


Well if penguins hadn't been exposed to such harsh situations, we doubt such existence on earth.

Hence it is quite clear, stability comes with the end stage when you cannot improve, cannot make it better and when you realize there is no possibility of change, in any field .

But as the saying goes "no body is perfect", therefore there is always something untouched in your life. There is always a chance of improvement, and you can only understand it when you question yourself or find problems and discover there solutions.

So the idea of stability is not a boring and a static life .... but a dynamic and fun to be with. In this small life, time can never be sufficient for achieving every thing. But is enough to evolve a bit from what you are today to what you will become tomorrow. Find new problems and there solutions and you become a "pokemon" with unlimited evolution capabilities.


Friday 18 March 2016

A question to existence and teleportation

We in our daily lives live on the basis of different Information and data we are exposed to. Starting from the information of wake up alarm to the information of your best friend having a crush on your crush. Well the reception of information can be in various ways, via a phone, TV, radio , personal computer or favorites "eyes, ears, skin". In any case there is a source and a destination. In most of the cases we use gadgets, like mobile phone or TV etc. which work on the reception of information in the form of equivalent EMW (electromagnetic waves ) from long distance sources.

According to matter's dual nature theory, anything in universe can be in form of energy ( in form of waves) or matter (in form of particles). Matter has an equivalent energy state or representation. That is matter can be converted to energy and energy can be converted into matter.

Let us assume at an instance of time, a body has a state. At this state every particle of the body has an energy equivalent which is known to us in the form of information train of codes.

Hence is this information is transported over an ideal noiseless channel. this information can be received at an other end of the line and if we assume a we have a transducer, like a high end 3D printer which can convert this information to matter. If the hypothesis is correct and if every thing is ideal an identical object can be created. Well its still a question , will it be identical?

Well if yes , then if the body is not just an object and is a living organism like a human being. Hence the newly formed structure is that of a human being too. The next question is, will this be living body too?

If yes again, new question come up like , Whom will this body correspond to if the former living being is still alive, Will it have identical thinking characteristics , Can we call this a clone instead ?

It may so happen that the body may not work at good as the original one. Because, there is a possibility that since data has to be quantized as the total analog data of such a high complex structure body to be transmitter will require unimaginable bandwidth, Quite not possible, Hence due to the process of  quantization information of a bit which is more important than the other is omitted. Hence a regular quantization of data may not work at all.

Hence this proves some data is more important than other. Therefore finding out the probability of importance of the information per element or particle and sending the same is required.

Even then if the above hypothesis is proved to be correct, or assume as it is, and the body we collected is living and is working and interacting in the same manner as the former was. Then what we talk about the conscious we talk about or the soul we talk about is only data!!!! like a song in your IPOD!!! well we really don't want to believe that. Or do we want to? ... well than we will be able to store our grandparents on our hard drives and we'll make them when we want to. And will leave you with identity crisis that are you original or a copy of another existence.

In the end the we are a just a small part of this big universe, which we perceive. There can be things which we cannot. And its fun to keep some mysteries as they are ... common for gossip of course   

Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Three Things

"Its my life its now or never......", I doubt Bon Jovi ever thought that someday he'll be unconsciously helping people in thinking deep about some seriously unrelated things, but let us just assume he helped. 

Its again a short story about my life, when I was one of those dumb students who were not certain what to take up as future carrier and so the high school subjects and end up taking physics + chemistry + biology + mathematics thinking of to keep my carrier options open and then there was a dwarf like magical creature shaped biology professor with a permanent frowns on his head, told something about things you must not have in life. After taking up engineering with all the time in the world one day i tried recollecting what he said but end up coming up with "all new -things you must not have in life-". I don't know if the old man use to think the same or not, but these three things were quite helping me, making life quite easy. And those things were simple words with devastating power - Ego , Expectations and Anger.

Human nature is a varied one. It is enigma of enigmas. Birth of every possible happening in this world around us, starting from the world wars to Mother Terisa's 5 deed. These three words has the power to control the every such thing.

It is common to have expectations from someone near and dear to you, but does that make you happy to force and place boulders of responsibilities of your expectations over the shoulder of a dear one, You would love yourself to live a free and a happy life where you do things on your own and so does others. And in the end we all have experienced that when your expectations from someone are not full filled, you end up hurting yourself, and its not at all right to hurt yourself, that is stupidity. And over that if you don't keep expectations and someone does something beautiful as you would have expected without your expectations you give yourself a surprise, "HO HO HO... I am my own Santa", and I believe its not wrong to enjoy every movement of life.

Apart from keeping expectations we also have something which make us live not only like apes but lions in caves, you probably would have thought "lion-strong, lion-huge, lion-the king.... etc etc" and not that a lion has something else which keeps him away from other animals and things , and that my friend is ego. Its high time that we realize ego keeps us away from people and from works, never realizing what sort of fun experience one can have or develop new skill and best apart not getting hurt by the ego if you don't have one. imagined how easy it would be to patch-up or even avoid fights between married couples without ego!... apart from the fact that it is the only entertainment they have. Or may be the only way which can create a world of peace, this can be too far fetched but unless you really enjoy fighting with others.

And over every thing is ANGER!!!.... its human tendency to take rash, wrong and most illogical decisions of all times when he is angry, and it is with a total 100% sure that he regrets his decision later unless he has a very high nose. Though anger can be due to many reasons including the ego and expectations, but its always in your hand to take the right decision. Unless you haven't experienced how uneasy it feels when you fight with you best friend one day and decide not to talk to the person again and you realize you really cannot finish your homework without his help, or may be one of those conditions when you really have something nice to share and you feel like dammit!!
Though things can vary at levels but its wise to not get angry over things. In the end we all are social animals and we really are scared of those psychological disorders.
We surely love ourselves and we will find new ways to love ourselves more, and so one step is to not have "The three things" in life.

Ashish Panchal

Observations VS Human concepts

Life is the biggest "_______" you can think of. Its a choice what you wish to fill it with! Mystery or Book or its a question else it can be an answer. Or just a simple "Everything".

Well,  and this "everything" is very intriguing as usual. Today Our cellphones are our Lives.... we can not imagine a day without our daily updates.

And so I would like to tell you a small story about my Cellphone.
One fine day I was walking down the road and I took my cellphone out of my pocket. It slipped from my hand and the battery popped out of it. I picked it up, inserted back the battery and switched it on again. The phone restarted, and so it asked to enter the date and time. Before my actions I got a call and since then that call log is pops at the top of my call logs. Probably it was a glitch of my phone. But it lasted an expression on my face, of amusement.

Though it was one of those boring ones (science and techie stuff). Still I would like to share it with you. The call log was the birth of my thoughts about the things which we do not account, as there was no definition to time reference given to the stupid phone.Well, that is quite true with our lives too. Just like the phone we too share these rare and intriguing characteristics of being stupid, Of making and predicting things from a datum, never striking with the question that "why there has to be a datum and isn't there a datum or the start of things if they exit on their own?"  But NO!, we like to bend things our way. So can anyone account for what was there before the beginning of "Time"?

People can have variable thoughts over this topic, but we are so good at predicting things, Oh yes! we all are like little oracles of our own!! And so we are very good at giving advises even though we know least about the topic we talk about sometimes. What a hilarious world it is.

We intelligent lives, what we believe we are, always want to assume things to be working in a standardized manner, with a simple motive to make things understandable or rather to deceive ourselves with thought that "Now I know it, what nature was hiding!", coming to a conclusion, nature really likes playing "quiz time!" with us.

In the same manner we really don't have a datum to our knowledge. We speculate things and whatever we understand are human translations or mere observations. Well, you never really know how much work was done to make a movie! but you see the end results as a movie!! sitting on your lovely couch. And in the same way predicting things is like pin pointing a tree in a forest. We live far from reality or may be very near, we never know. But if there is no teacher then you have to become your own teacher to survive, that is the way of living. And so we can never give up on predicting things. But this belief of ours has to be in a form of clay and not rocks, as we can never be firm about every thing, as it hurts when we find we were wrong about it later . Like you never know why Bob gave you a missed call last night, was he in danger? or was he calling you for his birthday party?
Anyways, its you to decide, Bob might have dialed your number by mistake. Guessing is fun though, but with an understanding that everything is not certain and it is just a human concept.

Ashish Panchal. 

Saturday 3 January 2015

How STUPID and Intriguing something can be....

How Stupid and Intriguing some things can be....

"Being Human" of a human being is something what makes us different from all other animal or plant species on earth.Caring, hating, loving, enjoying, depressing, motivating and living with others makes us more than a machine. Its something which keeps us moving forward with life. Well we still don't understand what are these "feelings and emotions"? , what is this form of things? , why is there an existence of such things? and how these came into existence itself?, How these develop?

The search for answers will never end because with every answer there rise one more WHY? WHAT? WHEN?
May be some day we will find all the true answers. And in the same lines we find something called hope. Everyone has there own hope, own goals. For some it is to complete those goals for others, so that they can keep on with there hope, for some this is for happiness  and for some this is business.
Some times there is someone in life which creates a false hope, but though it is fake, we still wan't to believe in it, because it keeps us moving that some day it will be better from present. And in the end we find at least something, though not what we expected but enough to keep us happy. So we better not loose hope, for we'll find something.

Coming back to the question "what are feelings?" makes people think again. Some people of say Science is a wrong choice for explaining such terms, But why cannot we think science not every time shatters such thoughts but can be an ocean to explain in its own terms.

Lets consider an animal. We all know the most important work of life is to create life itself and continue itself till end. And we then think about life can happen to increase by creating new individuals, but it is not something can happen on its own and so there has to be something to force and that called for a feeling called enjoyment, it is a way of life to bargain its motive, something which is not necessarily wanted but exist, or may be feelings like "love and attraction" are a product of events like creating individuals or what we also call "love making", a definition in itself.

So lets take how an engineer thinks, working with machines to get a particular product they find themselves generating something called "noise", may be a very offensive and stupid term, but then we never know what is the capacity of noise and its importance. Today we live in a world of technology, machines, microprocessors, computers , mobiles but what we don't know is these techno-machines contain internal clocks without which they can never run, never work and here we find something intriguing that clocks run on oscillators, components which makes output without any manual input, and then we find it is taking an input on its own and that is called "noise". So lets just imagine a world without noise, how static it would be, with no digital watches , no mobile phones, no laptops, no "social networking"!!!

And hence it defines how feelings like love and haterade channel the world, there importance and there result without an external input. So we must not underestimate anything, because every thing has its own importance which we never know.

But still this does not tells us that feelings like love is some noise, it is something what we still don't understand, what was used here was just an analogy which can have tremendous of examples and endless theories. At the end of the day we find ourselves answer-less, still there is a hope that someday we will find answers. And these very words shows important of term called "feelings" as here is Hope.


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